British Isles tour 2014, Day 0
Qantas lounge, Perth Airport.
Next stop, London, to start the Ticonderoga takes on the British Isles tour. First stop is Loncon 3, the World Science Fiction Convention, where we’ll wheel and deal. Then it’s a few days down time in Plymouth with L’s aunt, before Dublin and Shamrokon to wheel and deal some more.
L is already on the road, France, Belgium. We’ll meet up in London on Thursday.
Aside from the wheeling and dealing and glamorous and sexy world of small press publishing, I’m aiming to tick off the following:
- see the Thames Barrier in action (Wednesday 13 August is the monthly maintenance where they do this)
- drink a pint of Guinness in a Dublin pub
as well as sample as many Irish foods and drinks as I can.
Had a challenging morning, locked myself out so had to run a couple of errands on foot while the spare key arrived. Managed to get everything sorted. Taxi to the airport was uneventful, got through all the checks in plenty of time. I’m now just looking forward to getting comfy on the plane.