Day 13 – Plymouth, Christmas Eve
Woke up goodly rested this morning. Slowish morning, before a frantic trip to Drake’s shopping centre in central Plymouth for last minute stuff.
Then great aunt J’s friend D invited us all over to have Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. ALL ot them. Started woth champagne and canapes, then pinot noir with turkey, onion and sage stuffing, chestnut and sausage meat stuffing, little rolled up bacon parcels, sausages, potatoes, brussel sprouts, carrots and parsnips, gravy and bread sauce, And then seconds. Then it was Christmas pudding, complete with 20p pieces, brandy butter and cream, followed by cheese, port, fruit and chocolate. All of it very tasty.
And a toast to absent friends.
Mum would have approved, and loved it, and then probably argued over minor differences in the way it was done in her house.
Spent part of the evening reading up on the history of Plymouth, lots of fascinating stuff. Next time it will be great to spend more time here.
Tomorrow we’re off to Dorset to do a big family Christmas with Great Aunt J’s extended family. Today L’s been great, doing all the clothes washing. It’ll be my turn in Edinburgh I think.
It’s weird to think that I’m typing this on Christmas eve, while folks in Perth are already opening their pressies.
Merry Christmas everyone, and to all a good night.